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Robin Beyond |
Robin Beyond Suit: This version of the suit is unlike the others. The suit armor use Batman Beyond suit tech with Kryptonian Biotech armor, it has a green mask which completely covers the face, his eyes appear completely white, has O2 maker. The only opening is top of his head where his short blonde hair is left unkempt, hanging over his forehead, mask and armor cannot be moved except by Casey or someone with similar DNA, such as his blood family. Robin beyond customarily wears a suit of highly articulated light body armor made from Kryptium Krypton's "strongest metal"and promethium, conforms to the size and physique of its wearer. The form-fitting material provides almost no reduction in flexibility, has shock-absorption tech and the suit collects and feeds him yellow solar energy to maintain his power levels even when exposed to a red sun, the suit has an Energy Absorption System was made to deal with Cosmic Energy user like Darkseid. Suit has the logo of red bat with the "S" of supergirl/superman on it. Suit can't be x-ray, absorbs radiation. His suit (like his father) has retractable glider wings under the arms, which he doesn't use because he can fly. His suit, gloves and boots each contain eight compartments in which he can store items.They have a self-destruct feature built into them, similar to the ones in Batman's utility belt, and, The suit has several defensive capabilities. A device on the belt can electrically charge the suit to repel close attackers,(especially when the hero is unconscious) this same feature can be limited to just the hands, turning the defensive technology into an offensive one if need be. The suit also possesses a cloaking device that can render Casey invisible to the naked eye, a feature also present on the Batmobile. It cannot, however, filter ultraviolet light. Casey Suit also has Chameleon circuit technology this was added to counter the weakness of the cloaking device.
Utility Belt: Although seemingly unremarkable in appearance, the yellow utility belt is one of Robin Beyond's most important tools in fighting crime. The utility belt houses ten cylinder cartridges, which vertically clip onto the outside of the belt. The buckle itself contains a miniature camera and two-way radio. A secondary compartment behind the length of the belt houses Robin Beyond's supply of marbles. The utility belt containing various equipment. The utility belt has a button to call the flight-capable Batmobile.
Robin Beyond Gauntlets: Each glove's sections can contain a wide array of equipment, such as:
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Bat Time travel ring |
- Holographic computer: Robin Beyond also has a computer interface and hacking cable attached to his glove which gives him easy access to building schematics and data files. There is a adaptable USB-cable that he can hook up to larger systems that allows him access, also two-way radio.
- Weapon: Robin Beyond customarily uses an extendable Kryptium (Krypton's "strongest metal")staff.
- Fingerprint analysis kit
- Forensic analysis kit
- First aid kit
- Lock-picking tools
- Flexicuffs,
- Bat Time Ring:Batman version of Legion ring gives him time travel. Note: Both ring have Nth metal (possesses innate anti-magical properties, is hyperconductive and is able to invert mesons and gravitons.)
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Batmobile(Batman_Beyond): The version of the Batmobile has flight-capable, also possesses a cloaking device that can render it invisible to the naked eye. It has several defensive capabilities has well as offensive.The New Batmobile has shown to have various gadgets and abilities. Among them are:
- An interface that connects the Batmobile with the Batsuit, Presumably allowing for easier control of the vehicle.
- A jet thruster, apparently capable of speeds of up to Mach 3.
- Dual entrances on both the top, and the bottom, where it opens in a circle, allowing Casey to fly in.
- A projected screen that connects to the Bat cave's computer,and A.S.H.E.S.'s computer allowing Terry and Casey to see each other while they talk.
- An on board computer with a keyboard, which allows Casey to track an enemy on screen or communicate via text.
- A radar.
- Super magnets that can secure to the top of a vehicle and "tow" it.
- Clamps
- Grappling hook claw able to be electrified (Used on Superman in the episode "The Call part 2" electrocuting him, freeing his mind from the mind controlling alien creature, Starro that had attached to his chest)
- Grappling hooks similar to the ones on the Batsuit's arms.
- Cloaking device
- Missiles
- an on board video recorder.
- Video link to A.S.H.E.S. and Batcave's computer.
- Ability to be remotely called to Casey's location (It is interesting to note that while the Robin Beyond suit has this ability to call the Batmobile to him, like Terry , Casey has apparently incorporated another remote in his normal belt.)
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