Robin Beyond Powers & Abilities

Robin Beyond

Powers & Abilities


Kryptonians, once outside their star system, acquire new abilities determined by the frequency of each sun's light and internal radiation. White stars, dwarf stars, and blue stars all give them different properties. Their cells are natural organic solar batteries that absorb and metabolize solar energy, giving them their various abilities.
Kryptonian Physiology: Under the effects of a "yellow" sun, The average Kryptonian possesses the potential for the following power set: 

Yellow Sun Abilities

  • Solar BatteryKryptonians naturally possess no notable abilities. However, once they're exposed to the rays of a yellow sun, their body's cells store energy like a solar battery, allowing them to develop indescribable abilities and under a blue sun their powers are boosted and they gains the ability to imbue others with their powers. (Note only Casey's Krypotonian powers can be imbue to others. Without the sun, Kryptonians would have no superhuman prowess. These abilities appear to be relatively easy to master, or at least most of them, as some do take great time and effort, like Heat vision or Arctic breath; most Kryptonians who have made it to earth were aware of these powers and even for those who weren't aware, like Jor-El, who quickly adapted to his powers when he was forced to use them in order to save Louise McCallum from Lachlan Luthor, and Dax-Ur, who later learned of his abilities saying, "it was the sun's affects on me that really mattered" Unlike other Kryptonian which the exception of  Superboy-Prime,  his Kryptonian-Human physiology is capable of absorbing and processing large quantities of other energy in addition to yellow sun energy. 
  • Super StrengthKryptonians possess almost limitless amounts of strength, being able to achieve almost any feat with it. In terms of what they can do, they can easily overpower and kill humans and most galactic beings, and as such, they can bend and break through reinforced steel, crush wood panels, lift extremely heavy objects, decimate large structures and even level entire cities with their might. Kryptonian's strength increases with age. Meaning the older a Kryptonian is, the stronger he/she becomes. Their superhumanly strong leg muscles allow to leap buildings or even miles in a single jump.
  • Super Speed: Kryptonians have the potential of traveling at the pace of light speed, but more commonly just above the sound barrier. With that said, Kryptonians can outrun any man or machine, and even move so fast they seem to appear and disappear at will. When Kryptonians super-speed, they perceive the entire world in slow motion.
  • Super Stamina: Kryptonians possess virtually unlimited stamina in all physical activities due to receiving enhanced nourishment from the solar energy their cells process. Also, a Kryptonian's body stores sufficient solar energy to negate eating, drinking, breathing, and even sleeping for as long as they wish. This is evident as how Kryptonians survive in the vacuum of space unaided as they don't require air. With that said, Kryptonians can take part in superpowered battle sequences for as long as they desire without difficulty or exhaustion.
  • Super HearingKryptonians can overhear important conversations and cries for help from miles away. Kryptonians also possess enough control to block out ambient sounds in order to focus on a specific source/frequency. Kryptonians even possess a mental telepathy associated with sound, as they can hear screams from space(where there is no air for sound waves to travel through).
  • Super Breath: Kryptonians can create strong pulses of air, and hurricanes just by exhaling air from their mouth.
  • Arctic Breath: Kryptonians can freeze objects and people with their breath.
  • Superhuman Agility - Kryptonians can leap tall buildings in a single bound. They can jump across miles.
  • Super Dexterity: An ability that makes the user extremely agile, and accurate in all forms of strenuous movement. Kryptonians can throw a football in a basketball while standing backwards to the hoop.
  • Invulnerability: Robin Beyond cells emit an unbreakable aura of solar energy that results in their near-invulnerability. Because of this, like Kryptonians, he are resistant to all forms of physical and mental types of harm. As such, humans can't harm them, bullets bounce off them, rockets, bombs and lasers can't even leave a mark on him, high-voltage energy emissions (beams) can't penetrate through him, and he is immune to all earthly diseases and viruses. Kryptonians can only be harmed by other Kryptonians/aliens who can match their strength(ex:Doomsday), magic and Kryptonite(can cause Kryptonians great pain and prolonged exposure to it can kill them). Note: Cassandra & Casey's  DNA has been alter to makes them immune to Kryptonite radiation unlike other Kryptonians.
  • LongevityCasey constant absorption of yellow solar energy retards cell deterioration, as such, as long as he under a yellow sun he do not age. Although this only happens once a Kryptonian reaches adulthood.
  • Healing Factor: Kryptonians can heal and regenerate instantly from any wound.
  • Flight: Kryptonians, permanently adapted to Krypton's super strong gravity, can easily defy Earth's lesser gravitational pull, allowing them to maneuver precisely in any direction, as well as hover, and reach high velocities. They have to be mentally trained to wield this ability.
  • Heat VisionKryptonians can shoot fire from their eyes. It is triggered by thoughts of sex, however, they can learn to focus this power and project heat in any direction. 
  • Supervision: Robin Beyond also possess a superior sensory arrangement of microscopic, telescopic, infrared and ultraviolet visual capabilities. He is able to see the entire spectrum. Microscopic, chemical, x-ray, auditory, ultrasonic, magnetic, photonic, etc. (Star Laboratories has not been able to complete define how Superman has been able to utilize his powerful senses, part of the mechanism is physical, part of it is believed to be psionic in nature.) Abilities include : 
    • Electro-magnetic Spectrum Vision: He can see well into most of the EM Spectrum. He can see and identify radio/television and any and all broadcast/transmitted frequencies, allowing him to avoid detection through radar or satellite monitoring methods. Casey can see the paranormal aura that every living thing generates. (Unlike his sister he still eats meat.)
    • Telescopic Vision: The ability to "zoom in" his distance to see something at a great distance, without violating the laws of physics. The total telescopic ability is unclassified, but presumed limited to some extent.
    • X-Ray Vision: The ability to see through anything, even through lead. He can see things behind a wall as if the wall were not there, or can "peel back" layer after layer of matter in his mind. Opponents sometimes used lead-lined constructs in an attempt to hide things from Robin Beyond. Casey is able to focus his vision past layers of matter, literally seeing "through" them -- possibly perceiving x-rays, cosmic rays or other forms of energy invisible to normal human vision which pass through Earth's atmosphere (and solid objects) after emission from stars. Since it is passive, this ability would not generate harmful radiation in the same manner as a focused projection of hard X-rays.(Note: Batgirl BeyondDraxBrainiac can see through lead too.)  
    • Microscopic Vision: The ability to see extremely small objects and images down to the atomic level (normal optical microscopes can only see objects down to the size of chromosomes).
    • Infrared Vision: Allows him to see better in total darkness. He can detect the heat signatures of living beings or devices in operation.
    • Ultraviolet
    • Chemical
    • Ultrasonic
    • Magnetic
    • Auditory
    • Photonic
  • Precognition: Casey has limited ability. 
  • Technopathy: An ability to connect with technology. 
  • Enhanced Intellect: They also have enhanced memory and can read at high speeds. Kryptonians have a limited form of photographic memory; able to form complex mathematical formulas in just moments. Kryptonians also have accelerated brain-activity with allows them to process sensory information so fast that everything and seems to be moving in slow motion while they move at superhuman speed (which they experience as normal Human speed while in this state). Note: Casey as perfect form photographic memory.
  • OmnilingualCasey can speak every Earth and some Alien if heard.Example: Kara can read and speak many different languages like English, alien and even Apokoliptian.(Prophecy
Other Powers: Metagene
  • Magic Protection: He has limit protection from magic, like Energy base attacks. (Example: Black power ringGreen Lantern power rings) Robin Beyond using his telekinetic fields can shields himself from a magic attack, an advantage the modern Superman has never had (Example:Superboy (Kon-El)) Plus a Bat time ring base on a Legion ring.
  • Kryptonite ImmunityCasey DNA has been adapted be immune to Kryptonite radiation unlike other Kryptonians. He can absorb Kryptonite radiation and utilize it has an energy source. 
  • (Note: Batgirl BeyondDraxKell-ElBrainiac)
  • Telekinesis: Robin Beyond has tactile telekinesis. It's very powerful, letting him sense the world around him, and even seeing the world around him by extending his tactile telekinesis field outwards. Also, using his tactile telekinesis, he is able to maintain in the air the things that he has taken apart, and even choke people much in the style of Darth Vader. He rarely uses it, doesn't have complete control over the power yet. For example, General Zod was able to influence the movement of Kryptonian objects with his mind.  and Superboy, Superboy prime.  ( He is stronger than most Kryptonians and his sister  Cassandra in it.) 
  • Telepathy : Cassandra and Casey  can talk to each other using their minds, also two other Kryptonians. Harder with aliens who are non telepathy.
  • Persuasionworks on only on minds who don't have high intelligence or super intelligence can be resistant to it.
  • TeleportationLike his sister, He is able to cross distances. The exact distance He can teleport remains unknown, but his  ability to teleport grows with his age. He is able to bring people and objects with him when he  is teleporting  as long as he is touching them and he wanted to bring them with him. His teleporting powers apparently also enabled him to change positions while in transit. 
Kinetic Energy Conversion:  Robin Beyond has the power to take the potential energy stored in an object and convert it to kinetic energy thus “charging” that item with explosive results. He prefers to charge smaller objects, such as marbles, as the time required to charge them is greatly reduced and they are much easier for him to throw. The only real limitation to this ability is the time required to charge the object: the larger it is the more time it takes to charge. Most charging takes place through direct skin contact. The power of his explosions is dependent on the mass of the object he is charging and he can, at least to some extent, control the amount of time until it detonates, he can even reabsorb the energy of non-detonated bombs. For example, a charged marble explodes with the force of a grenade. Robin Beyond can also use his powers to accelerate an object's kinetic energy instead of converting its potential energy, for example, he can charge his Bo-staff with enough power to level a Sky scraper.  He also has the ability to create static, because of the charged potential energy always in his body, that shields his mind from detection and intrusion by even the most powerful telepaths. The shield has the added effect of destabilizing touch-based powers. ( He can block out unfriendly minds) 

Pulsar & Quasar Abilities

  • Omnipotence - Kryptonians are said to be given "power beyond imagining" by pulsars and quasars.

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